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*マップワークス [#mapworks]


**マップワークス概要 [#b018ff59]




死に戻りしてもMapSlector窓の一番下「Return To Last Map」から再入場出来ます



**Buff効果 [#mceae970]
-COLOR(White){Players and Pets}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){5% increase in the amount of experienced gained}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){25% increase in the amount of gold found}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){10% increase in magic-finding Luck}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){Cast Speed reduced by 50%} COLOR(Olive){&size(10){※詠唱速度1/2};}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){Attack Speed reduced by 50%} COLOR(Olive){&size(10){※攻撃速度1/2};}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){+200% to All Damage}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){+15% to Electric Damage}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){+15% to Ice Damage}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){5% chance to cast Call Forth the Skull on kill}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){25% Health Stolen}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){-25% to skill mana cost}

-- COLOR(Red){Movement Speed reduced by 15%}
-- COLOR(Red){All Damage reduced by 15%}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){Physical Damage Taken is reduced by 15%}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){+10% Cast Speed}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){+10% Attack Speed}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){15% chance to cast Poison Cloud on death}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){100% chance to teleport target 6-10 yards away}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){100% chance to cast Haunt on death}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){200% chance to cast Random Teleport when you get hit}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){20% chance to Burn for 4 seconds}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){+15% to Electric Damage}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){+15% to Poison Damage}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){+10% to All Damage}
-- COLOR(SteelBlue){25% Health stolen}

**MAP [#map]

※ link先の画像を小さくしました。クリックで大きくなります&br;
※ SECRET ROOM等あり *マーク
-- Wyvern Bastion
-- Wyvern Citadel
-- [[Wyvern Stronghold>MW_WyvernStronghold]] *
-- Bloody Boneyard
-- Bloowy vault
-- Cursed Mausoluem
-- Cursed Tombs
-- Defiled Burrow			
-- Defiled Cemetery
-- Defiled Graves			
-- Ghastly Crypt
-- Ghastly Mortuary
-- Ghastly Vault
-- Infernal Necropolis
-- Infernal Mausoluem		
-- Blighted Deptes
-- Blighted Hollow
-- Blighted sanctum
-- Desolate shrine			
-- Infected Depths
-- Infected Hollow			
-- [[Infected Retreat>MW_InfectedRetrest]] *
-- [[Ruined Shrine>MW_RuinedShrine]] *
-- Ruined Sanctuary
-- Ruined Temple
-- Ruined Retreat
-- Abyssal Caves			
-- Abyssal Pit
-- Abyssal Fissure
-- Frostbitten Cavarvns
-- [[Frostbitten Chasm>MW_FrostblttenChasm]]
-- [[Frostbitten Ravine>MW_FrostbittenRavine]]		
-- Frostshorn Breach
-- Frostshorn Chasm
-- Frostshorn Cavarvns		
-- Frostshon Ravine
-- Shadowy Caves
-- Shadowy Grotto
-- [[Shadowy Pit>MW_ShadowyPit]]
-- Deserted Factoy
-- Ezrohir Commons		
-- Ezrohir Treasury		
-- Ransacked Commons
-- Ransacked Halls			
-- Ransacked Vault
-- Forgotten Factory
-- Forgotten Labs			
-- [[Forgotten Workshop>MW_ForgottenWorkshop]]
**コメント [#comment]

- おおこれは便利 --  &new{2012-09-28 (金) 15:33:54};
- G系のモンスターが出るところが分かると回避できるのでありがたいかも --  &new{2012-10-02 (火) 00:06:54};
- 攻撃速度半減は赤字にすべきだと思うがなぁ --  &new{2012-10-04 (木) 07:31:16};
- 効果の色分けが綺麗で凄く分かり易い --  &new{2012-10-04 (木) 12:59:54};
- G系って何だ --  &new{2013-01-03 (木) 01:45:53};
- ゴキブリじゃない?>G系 --  &new{2013-01-06 (日) 16:10:40};


// てすと

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