• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
*パッチ・リリースノート [#g24ff6e8]



**1.13.X.12 [#b19f9fef]
Patch 1.13.x.12 Notes~
Released Oct 11, 2012 ~

-Fixed Engineer armor set that was showing up as white geometry

-Additional UI performance improvements
-Additional rendering performance improvements
-Precacheing of skills, missiles, and particles to reduce the appearance of stutters the first time those assets are viewed on some machines

-Fixed a crash that could occur with a dying pet that proc'ed on save restoration

-Fixed some issues with Stormclaw bolt chaining
-Blazing Pillar will no longer give enemies the ability to burn you!
--&color(orange){Blazing Piller のせいで敵が君達をBurn状態にする力を得ることはもうないよ!};
-Shockbolts and Shocking Orb can now build charge
--&color(orange){ShockboltsとShocking OrbがChargeを生成するようになった};
-Fixed several non-working augment affixes
-On-Death Procs properly cool down if required (Fixes several issues where a proc ceases functioning after a period of time)
--&color(orange){On-Death 効果が本来のcooldown通り機能するように(時間経過でprocが機能しなくなる問題を修正)};
-Blade Pact and Stone Pact last for listed time
--&color(orange){Blade Pact とStone Pactの効果時間を説明通りのものに};

-Lore item set now has a tangle ability, instead of a nonfunctional acidrain proc
-Several affixes that work based on unit proximity can work in parallel, when they could not before

-Fixed several issues where procs could be precluded from activation
-Set bonuses based on nearby monster count work properly
-Some more multiplayer XP distribution fixes related to player/killer delta
-Can't turn alignment on something that attaches to its master
-When a left-click skill is bound, skills won't track a second mouse click if you click and click-away again (keeps you from pointing the wrong direction sometimes)
-Player block cap set to 75 instead of 50
-Elemental armor reduction can't reduce armor below zero
-Champions all have 100% charm resistance
-Siege Turrets have 100% charm resistance
--&color(orange){Siege Turrets はcharmに対して100%耐性を持つ};

Level Scripting
-Can't prematurely activate Vyrax tower warp with teleportation
--&color(orange){teleportationによる、正規ルート外のVyrax towerのactivateは不可};
-Various minor level fixes
-Various visual updates to the Three Sisters' Lair
--&color(orange){Three Sisters' Lairにおける様々な視覚効果の修正};
-Some snow effects were not properly tagged as 'weather' so would not disable when weather was turned off
-Tutaran trap fixes
-Alchemist can no longer be 'started' on his third stage by rerolling, going to the next level waypoint, and back up.


**1.12.X.7 [#b8e35c83]

Patch 1.12.X.7 Notes~
Released October 04, 2012~

This patch increments the save version, and we restructured some of the boss rooms, so random levels will clear and repopulate their monsters and events.

-Shared stash now creates a backup of itself
-You can no longer 'steal' items from your buyback tab by closing the window with Spacebar
-Can’t drag merchant items onto the buyback tab 
-Gambler does not show 'can't equip' X
-CTRL-M will instantly toggle map visibility
-Pet equipment cannot get sockets from enchantment
-Fixed rare crash related to Charming a monster
-Multiplayer logging is reduced, and can be disabled with the NEVERLOG commandline argument (may improve performance for some clients)
-Creating a player in a difficulty other than Normal, directly joining a game, and then exiting, won't revert your stored difficulty to Normal.
-Confirmation box added for quitting without saving
-Fixed a few rare hardware related crashes
-Particle update optimizations
-Various rendering optimizations

-Fixed an issue in multiplayer where non-killing MP players did not receive appropriate XP falloff due to level delta
-Armor Degrade properties now apply properly - degrade armor values are reduced for newly generated item properties to compensate for them working correctly - but don't worry, they will be better than before!
-Zero walkspeed monsters won't attempt to jump down
-Fixed some display issues with Fame level progress
-Wandering (non-town-based) Enchanters have a slightly better range of enchantment strengths. They also now have an approximately 20% chance to get a 'powerful enchantment', which are about 50% better than normal. This is represented by a sound and text message in game.
-Swamp Flier scream debuff will show an appropriate name on debuff icon
-Creep squish blood now has a censored version
-Fixed a few areas where loot from a specific event spawned publicly
-Fixed a few spelling errors
-Act 4 banner should properly display
-Pets can be sent to town from the last 2 boss rooms
-Fixed an issue where occasionally an errant MOUSEUP event could ignore your attack in extremely fast click situations
-DOTs now correctly calculate bonuses from +DMG%
-XP and Fame %bonuses from gear are now capped at +/- 100%
-HP bonus gear will properly be reflected in final health of player to other clients post-zoning 
-Game can be saved at any time from the options menu
-Onscreen notification in bottom right of screen when saving takes place
-Console-created items now have an effect that displays that they were cheat-created
-Damage reduction effects on the player are capped to 75%
-Stat expenditures when leveling up are properly synchronized in multiplayer
-When leveling up, your health is properly recalculated on other clients
-Skill cycle keys can now be bound to mouse buttons
-Transmuted items are no longer destroyed if an inventory is full with no place to accept them

-Berserkers are still targetable while performing Savage Rush
-Bramble walls and Ice Prison will properly die offscreen, and if the originator leaves the zone
-Battle Standard's properties are properly exclusive (they don't stack)
-Fixed charged versions of Fire Bash from levels 9-15 using the incorrect effects (weaker when charged!)
-Howl duration fixed (Extended)
-Berserker Wolf Shade master healing property was reduced from 5%+5% per rank to 5% + 2% per rank - and the first rank properly provides healing
-Vortex Hex won't target smashables
-Fixed two ranks of Seismic Slam incorrectly doing electrical damage
-Glaive Throw has had a damage nerf (25% reduction in max damage and decreased growth per rank ) with less additional bounces per tier
-Elemental attunement properly benefits from owner’s level
-Elemental Boon should properly speed up cast time on last rank
-Shadowbind should properly rank up duration
-Blast Cannon’s armor reduction effect no longer stacks and works for both fire and physical damage
-Fixed sped up hitframe for male shield skill anim so that it is never skipped when a subsequent skill is queued
-Outlander Long Range Mastery should now affect wands as well
-Prismatic Bolt gains charge at half the previous rate
-Spider Mines should show debuff icons
-Spider Mine summon duration fixed
-Shadowling procs from wand chaos or weapon affixes properly last 20 seconds instead of 3
-Elemental Attunement shouldn’t attack smashables
-Tremor rank 6 should properly perform its charged effect
-Immobilization Copter damage effect shouldn’t stomp on other damage effects
-Berserker Retaliation can only trigger once per second per given target – and no longer procs/leeches
-Rapid Fire and Venomous Hail now use DPS instead of Damage

-Fixed some issues with Grom's arena in multiplayer when another player speaks to the NPC while the main area is completed
-Several boss rooms have had structural changes to make it more difficult to cheese them with certain skills
-Various minor level scripting or layout repairs
-Fixed farmable Gel phasebeast room so that XP gain isn't overblown
-Fixed various other farmable phasebeast unitspawners which incorrectly granted XP
-Fixed a few areas where the player could get stuck

-Fixed a case where backlog of messages for resend would escalate and disconnect the client
-Friends-only games are fixed to synch correctly across lobbies
-Fixes for various serverside issues
-Erroneous ‘Connection Failed’ messages should be fixed
-Games can now be filtered near your level

-Many wardrobe tweaks and fixes

-Various alterations were made to better support translated versions of the game, and to detect and deal with other language items during trading


** [#k083b747]

Released September 23, 2012~
This patch addresses a number of issues:~

-Tweaks to various areas to prevent units from getting stuck.
-Fixed a potential crash bug when applying affixes and effects.
-Fix for Berserker geyser proc showing up as a mappable skill.

-Fixed several typos.
-Fixed friends list based achievements.
-Spell-learning achievements now don't incorrectly trigger based on other players.
-Fix a bug when recalculating the price on objects to make sure the calculation is based on the correct data.
-Fixes to some logic in the Frosted Hills.
-Fix for triggering Shocking Burst and Arc Beam out of range while hitting shift that could cause chain casting.
--&color(orange){--Shiftを押しながらのShocking Burstと範囲外からのArc Beamをなおした。};
-Fix for potential issue when units would queue removed/unavailable skills.
-Fix for having more than 100% reduction to charge decay or a negative flat charge decay.
-Changed lootable rocks to be non-colliding as they could occasionally block very narrow corridors.
-Improvements to journal tooltips.
-Proc affixes scale better with player level.
-'Resist Slow' affix fixed.
--'Resist Slow'接辞を修正。
-Berserker 'Wolf Shade' now has the (intended) 60 second cooldown applied to all ranks.
--Berserkerの"Wolf Shade"は全てのランクで60秒のクールダウンがあります(意図的)。 
-Fix for mistriggering when chaining two skills together when there is an early hit-frame.
-Safety check to stop any looping skills that get stuck in the 'on' state when the character is not performing a skill.
-Put in protection against character save file corruption. Corrupted characters will not appear in the list of characters.
-Removed display of other users' IP addresses in multiplayer games.
-Removed access to console commands in multiplayer games.
-Removed Steam Cloud toggle in the settings file (it didn't do anything); the ability to toggle is available in the Steam client.
-Fixed a bug that could cause multiple Tower of the Moon entrances to appear in the world.
-Implemented a few specific boss room pathing fixes.
-The game's login dialog now correctly allows passwords up to 64 characters long.
-Fixed bug with 'Poison Burst' procs.
-Fix for bug where rapid clicks could misspend stat points.
-Made significant optimizations to particle collisions.
-Fixed rare crash when turning in quest in the Undercurrents.
-Fixed problems with characters or shared shash items disappearing.


** [#ff206d57]

Released September 23, 2012~

-Fixed a potential crash bug when applying affixes and effects in certain circumstances
-Fixed rare crash when turning in quest in the Undercurrents.
-Put in protection against character save file corruption. Corrupted characters will not appear in the list of characters. (And thus can't cause the game to crash on load)

-Fix for Berserker geyser proc showing up as a mappable skill.
-Fix for triggering Shocking Burst and Arc Beam out of range while hitting shift that could cause chain casting.
-'Resist Slow' affix fixed.
-Proc affixes scale better with player level.
-Berserker 'Wolf Shade' now has the (intended) 60 second cooldown applied to all ranks.
-Fix for mistriggering when chaining two skills together when there is an early hit-frame.
-Safety check to stop any looping skills that get stuck in the 'on' state when the character is not performing a skill.
-Fixed bug with 'Poison Burst' procs (they should properly engage at more distant ranges).
-Fix for potential issue when units would queue removed/unavailable skills.
-Fix for having more than 100% reduction to charge decay or a negative flat charge decay.

-Made significant optimizations to particle collisions.

-Fix a bug when recalculating the price on objects to make sure the calculation is based on the correct data.
-Fix for bug where rapid clicks could misspend stat points.
-Removed access to console commands in multiplayer games.
-The game's login dialog now correctly allows passwords up to 64 characters long.
-Removed display of other users' IP addresses in multiplayer games.
-Removed Steam Cloud toggle in the settings file (it didn't do anything); the ability to toggle is available in the Steam client.
-Removed logging for achievements to potentially reduce some FPS drops for some users.

-Tweaks to various areas to prevent units from getting stuck.
-Changed lootable rocks to be non-colliding as they could occasionally block very narrow corridors.
-Fixes to some level scripting logic in the Frosted Hills.
-Fixed a bug that could cause multiple Tower of the Moon entrances to appear in the world.
-Implemented a few specific boss room pathing fixes.

-Fixed friends list based achievements.
-Spell-learning achievements now don't incorrectly trigger based on other players.

-Fixed several typos.
-Improvements to journal tooltips.


** [#l57950ab]


Released September 20, 2012~

**コメント [#jba60224]
- 翻訳乙 --  &new{2012-10-02 (火) 02:29:49};


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