パッチ・リリースノート †
1.25.X.X †
Released April 25, 2013
- Localization fixes
- Fix for disappearing cursor in fullscreen mode when Windows mouse cursor trails are enabled
- Fixed an issue with mapping right-click hotkeys
- Fixed several file browse buttons in the unit editors
- Fixed an issue where the environment layout browse button would default to an incorrect path
- Fixed creating and saving level feature tags
1.24.X.X †
Released April 11, 2013
- No longer clear level history when a mod's version changes - only clear history when there are changes to the list of mods in use
- 10 mod limit now properly enforced
- Gut Punch now accurately scales its radius as described
- Fixed occasional hang when entering Tarroch's Tomb
- Fixed duplicate files being displayed after modding a file in various editor forms
- Editor WSAD camera movement keys are now mappable in the settings_editor.txt file
- Marquee object selection now property updates the selected scene tree nodes
- "Open" button for the player editor's skill tree layout override control now properly opens both base and mod layouts
- Really fixed the progress bar stat selectors and fixed progress bars in general after the last patch
- Fixed the layout save path checker not properly showing the right base and mod file locations in some circumstances
- Can no longer right-click to create static unittypes when modding (all modding should use dynamic unittypes)
- Fixed units not reloading in some circumstances when the unit editor were saved
- Fixed unittypes not reloading in some circumstances when the unittypes editor was saved
- Fixed inheritance nodes not being displayed in the unittype editor
- Fixed a number of layout object file browsers not returning proper relative paths for modded files (particles on missiles, meshes for generic models, etc.)
- Fixed the wardrobe panel not properly displaying units' wardobe data in the items editor
1.23.X.X †
Released April 4, 2013
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in a particular phase beast level
- Fix for the final dungeon in the Ice Labs
- Fix for exiting the Ice Labs to Frosted Hills
- Fixes for minimap puzzle representations on some maps
- Fixed issues with display of modded game groups in dropdown
- Fix for visual issues on Windows XP machines.
- Added "Waiting for response from Steam" message to ModLauncher start-up.
- Added notification that time may be required before ModLauncher can be started when mods require updates.
- Unit editors (monster, items, players props) now have a "folder" column in the unit list.
- Added "find:" operator for expression filtering (i.e. "find:SuperAxe" will list all the files which contain "SuperAxe" anywhere in their data)
- Editor no longer crashes when investing skill points wish push a skill to the next tier.
- Modded skills no longer show twice in the skiles editor.
- Fixed the "view folder" button in the rule set editor when viewing mod level sets.
- Modded rule sets should no longer show twice in the rule set editor.
- Stat lines no longer show twice when modding stat lines.
- Fixed Progress bar UI object setting the wrong index when selecting STAT ONE and STAT TWO.
- Fixed a number of various places were we weren't also looking for mod files when listing files in a directory.
- Texture sheet png files are not included in the pak. So the image selector and unit editors now show valid images.
- fixed skill UI layout browse/open buttons in the Player editor when modding.
- fixed catagory filtering in the affix editor after modding an affix.
- Can no longer attempt to add static unittypes in the unittypes editor.
Steam users may need to re-validate their installation of GUTS after updating Torchlight II.
(From the Steam client, go to Library -> Tools -> Right-click Torchlight II GUTS -> Properties -> Local Files tab -> Verify Integrity of Tool Cache)
1.22.X.X †
Released April 1, 2013
New Content
- New Unique and Legendary weapons for every item class
- New class armor sets
- New MapRoom maps
- Additional side dungeons in Act 1 and 2 during New Game Plus play
- Nether-Realm portals take you to a new Nether-Realm tileset, with new creatures
- Headcrab pet
- Alpaca pet
- Panda pet
- Stag pet
- Modding is now fully enabled. For Steam users, Steam Workshop support is integrated.
- Modding is fully supported in multiplayer - filter available games by active mod combinations. With Steam Workshop, automatically subscribe to and match configurations to join modded games!
- New to modding? Here's how to get started with GUTS - the Torchlight II GUTS wiki
- Socketable-granted DOT effects now get character damage bonuses from focus and items
- Fixed issue where Reflection would change your target while fishing, which would leave you in a bad state
- Various protections to prevent poorly formed mods
- Other minor fixes
1.21.X.X †
Released January 14, 2013
- Fix for potential Steamworks related crash.
- Fix for a desynchronization error which can occur in 3+ player multiplayer games in very specific timing circumstances.
- Fix for a rare issue where the effects on a merchant's items (or items left on the ground) can be wiped if a player takes ownership of a level while the original owner is departing.
1.20.X.X †
Released December 12, 2012
- Fixed a crash related to removing gems from items in multiplayer if they had been equipped.
- Fixed a separate multiplayer socketing related crash. Both of these fixes should resolve most of the 'in-town' crashes some players have experienced, as the events triggered can crash other clients.
- Fist weapons (and a few other innately enhanced items) can no longer make your attacks so fast that they are invisible with max attack-speed bonuses.
- German is now available to all users.
- Polish translation updates.
- Russian translation updates.
1.19.X.X †
- Cleaned up Polish language translations.
- Cleaned up Russian language translations.
- Fixed issues with font clipping.
1.18.X.X †
This is a small hotfix patch to address an issue with proximity-based effects from set item bonuses that could cause extreme frame rate degradation.
1.17.X.X †
- Owl pet added
- Badger pet added
- Russian language now available
- Polish language now available
- Several spelling errors fixed
- Dimensions fixed on one texture
- A lot of internal fixes to support translations better, and copy-pasting of cyrillic characters and use of IME
- Characters with certain special characters in their names won't fail to save
- Attacks that deal weapon% no longer give bonus crit for values over 100%
- Missiles with an AoE were not properly taking into account some untargetable states
- Run speed bonuses were sometimes added twice
- Fixed Trillbot achievement quest
- Engineer
- Rank 8 and 9 or Seismic Slam scale soak values properly on direct damage
- Flame Hammer, Ember Hammer and Emberquake correctly list staves in requirements
- Berserker
- Storm hatchet now targets better on slopes
- Storm hatchet should be less likely to collide with walls and more likely to collide with units
- Ravage knockback/slow resistance fixed
- Ravage falls back to autoattack when mana is low
- Battle rage properly refreshes now
- Shadowbind procs now level properly
- Embermage
- Rank 4 of Firestorm now has correct max damage
- Issues w/ Prismatic Bolt duration effects resolved
- Fixed mana cost for rank 10 of Infernal Collapse
- Made requirement reduction spells work properly
- Rifle and Cannons now use weapon damage instead of DPS - fast weapons were stronger than intended, slow weapons were weaker than intended
- A non functioning proc on the Tundra set was converted to a functioning Lifesteal
- Tomes of Weapon Expertise (spells) now correctly state that they improve Claw use, amongst the other weapons
- New ring for Emberweave set
- New pants for Embercraft set
- Legendary wand Earth Dies Screaming can no longer crash the game
- Fixed some issues with item-based proximity effects getting doubled
- Various pathing and collision fixes
- Various new boss rooms added for maproom maps
- Several new Phase Beast rooms added
- Can't be knocked behind fence in Arena of Slaughter
- Exploding zombies now strike only once per explosion
- King gels have champion resistances and minion gels cannot be charmed
- Transmutation recipe for sockets can't eat gems with no return.
Random Maps
- Some random map affixes better tuned
Quest Related
- You must talk to the guardian of mana before you can enter the dungeon from Act 4 hub
- Some players stuck in a state where their quests will not advance, or the final quest will not complete, allowing access to the mapworks, should be resolved.
- Fix for crash in certain circumstances when wearing gear that requires a requirement reduction spell
- Fixed crash when quitting the game from the options menu while the shared stash is open.
1.16.X.12 †
Patch 1.16.x.3
Released October 22, 2012
- Fixes a crash with proximity-based effects granted by a Set bonus
- Missiles reflected by the player will not strike the player, or other friendly targets
1.14.X.12 †
Patch 14 has now gone live!
Here are the patch notes-
- Intel HD graphics cards should not show ghosting/smearing effects if shadows are enabled
- LARGE performance optimization to buff/debuff bar displays when there are a large number of overlapping, nonexclusive effects (damage over time, and duration based effects or knockback )
- Shield Bash bonus damage now deals the stated amount(charged and uncharged)
- Wolfpack will properly strike turrets
- Bonuses due to proximity now always expire properly
- Damage bonuses/reductions for Battle Rage properly expire
- Fixed Critical Hit bonuses on some effects not properly incorporating bonuses to crit
- Pet damage bonuses are applied to effects
- Three Sisters zone now has an appropriate level range for proper NG+ reward scaling
- Various issues resolved in Luminous Arena in multiplayer
- Level determinism fixed (Was broken with precacheing in previous patch - could result in triggerable elements and some structural elements re-randomizing on load, or in multiplayer)
- Set reward for Inquisitor set altered to a functional bonus
- Fixes to the summon skull proc on equipment (prevents it from spawning exactly on a target)
- Effects based on proximate monsters now work properly with socketables
- DOTs were not properly attributing experience if the effect was applied from an item instead of a skill
- Target Dummy is Charm resistant
- Fixed issue where rebinding Close All Menus could lock you in pause mode
- Fix for shift-click casting a left-click spell and then selecting an item (would previously auto-attack)
- Pet enhancing bonuses work more consistently for pets attached to OTHER pets
1.13.X.12 †
Patch 1.13.x.12 Notes
Released Oct 11, 2012
- Fixed Engineer armor set that was showing up as white geometry
- テクスチャが真っ白になっていたエンジニアのアーマーセットを修正
- Additional UI performance improvements
- Additional rendering performance improvements
- Precacheing of skills, missiles, and particles to reduce the appearance of stutters the first time those assets are viewed on some machines
- 環境によって、起動後最初のスキルやパーティクル等の画面表示時に画面がカクついていた問題を抑制する為のプリキャッシュ機能を追加
- Fixed a crash that could occur with a dying pet that proc'ed on save restoration
- Fixed some issues with Stormclaw bolt chaining
- Blazing Pillar will no longer give enemies the ability to burn you!
- Blazing Piller のせいで敵が君達をBurn状態にする力を得ることはもうないよ!
- Shockbolts and Shocking Orb can now build charge
- ShockboltsとShocking OrbがChargeを生成するようになった
- Fixed several non-working augment affixes
- On-Death Procs properly cool down if required (Fixes several issues where a proc ceases functioning after a period of time)
- On-Death 効果が本来のcooldown通り機能するように(時間経過でprocが機能しなくなる問題を修正)
- Blade Pact and Stone Pact last for listed time
- Blade Pact とStone Pactの効果時間を説明通りのものに
- Lore item set now has a tangle ability, instead of a nonfunctional acidrain proc
- 機能していないacidrainに代わり、Loreアイテムセットはtangle(足止め?)能力を持つようになった
- Several affixes that work based on unit proximity can work in parallel, when they could not before
- Fixed several issues where procs could be precluded from activation
- procsの発生が妨げられていたいくつかの問題を修正
- Set bonuses based on nearby monster count work properly
- 付近のモンスター数に影響されるセットボーナスが正しく機能するようになった
- Some more multiplayer XP distribution fixes related to player/killer delta
- Can't turn alignment on something that attaches to its master
- When a left-click skill is bound, skills won't track a second mouse click if you click and click-away again (keeps you from pointing the wrong direction sometimes)
- Player block cap set to 75 instead of 50
- Elemental armor reduction can't reduce armor below zero
- Champions all have 100% charm resistance
- チャンピオンはcharmに対して100%耐性を持つ
- Siege Turrets have 100% charm resistance
- Siege Turrets はcharmに対して100%耐性を持つ
Level Scripting
- Can't prematurely activate Vyrax tower warp with teleportation
- teleportationによる、正規ルート外のVyrax towerのactivateは不可
- Various minor level fixes
- Various visual updates to the Three Sisters' Lair
- Three Sisters' Lairにおける様々な視覚効果の修正
- Some snow effects were not properly tagged as 'weather' so would not disable when weather was turned off
- 雪のエフェクトが天気に適切に関連付けらおらず、オプションでweatherをoffにしても無効にならなかった問題を修正
- Tutaran trap fixes
- Alchemist can no longer be 'started' on his third stage by rerolling, going to the next level waypoint, and back up.
- rerollや次のwaypointへの移動、バックアップによってAlchemist戦を3ステージ目から開始することが出来なくなった
1.12.X.7 †
Patch 1.12.X.7 Notes
Released October 04, 2012
This patch increments the save version, and we restructured some of the boss rooms, so random levels will clear and repopulate their monsters and events.
- Shared stash now creates a backup of itself
- You can no longer 'steal' items from your buyback tab by closing the window with Spacebar
- Can’t drag merchant items onto the buyback tab
- Gambler does not show 'can't equip' X
- CTRL-M will instantly toggle map visibility
- Pet equipment cannot get sockets from enchantment
- Fixed rare crash related to Charming a monster
- Multiplayer logging is reduced, and can be disabled with the NEVERLOG commandline argument (may improve performance for some clients)
- Creating a player in a difficulty other than Normal, directly joining a game, and then exiting, won't revert your stored difficulty to Normal.
- Confirmation box added for quitting without saving
- Fixed a few rare hardware related crashes
- Particle update optimizations
- Various rendering optimizations
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where non-killing MP players did not receive appropriate XP falloff due to level delta
- Armor Degrade properties now apply properly - degrade armor values are reduced for newly generated item properties to compensate for them working correctly - but don't worry, they will be better than before!
- Zero walkspeed monsters won't attempt to jump down
- Fixed some display issues with Fame level progress
- Wandering (non-town-based) Enchanters have a slightly better range of enchantment strengths. They also now have an approximately 20% chance to get a 'powerful enchantment', which are about 50% better than normal. This is represented by a sound and text message in game.
- Swamp Flier scream debuff will show an appropriate name on debuff icon
- Creep squish blood now has a censored version
- Fixed a few areas where loot from a specific event spawned publicly
- Fixed a few spelling errors
- Act 4 banner should properly display
- Pets can be sent to town from the last 2 boss rooms
- Fixed an issue where occasionally an errant MOUSEUP event could ignore your attack in extremely fast click situations
- DOTs now correctly calculate bonuses from +DMG%
- XP and Fame %bonuses from gear are now capped at +/- 100%
- HP bonus gear will properly be reflected in final health of player to other clients post-zoning
- Game can be saved at any time from the options menu
- Onscreen notification in bottom right of screen when saving takes place
- Console-created items now have an effect that displays that they were cheat-created
- Damage reduction effects on the player are capped to 75%
- Stat expenditures when leveling up are properly synchronized in multiplayer
- When leveling up, your health is properly recalculated on other clients
- Skill cycle keys can now be bound to mouse buttons
- Transmuted items are no longer destroyed if an inventory is full with no place to accept them
- Berserkers are still targetable while performing Savage Rush
- Bramble walls and Ice Prison will properly die offscreen, and if the originator leaves the zone
- Battle Standard's properties are properly exclusive (they don't stack)
- Fixed charged versions of Fire Bash from levels 9-15 using the incorrect effects (weaker when charged!)
- Howl duration fixed (Extended)
- Berserker Wolf Shade master healing property was reduced from 5%+5% per rank to 5% + 2% per rank - and the first rank properly provides healing
- Vortex Hex won't target smashables
- Fixed two ranks of Seismic Slam incorrectly doing electrical damage
- Glaive Throw has had a damage nerf (25% reduction in max damage and decreased growth per rank ) with less additional bounces per tier
- Elemental attunement properly benefits from owner’s level
- Elemental Boon should properly speed up cast time on last rank
- Shadowbind should properly rank up duration
- Blast Cannon’s armor reduction effect no longer stacks and works for both fire and physical damage
- Fixed sped up hitframe for male shield skill anim so that it is never skipped when a subsequent skill is queued
- Outlander Long Range Mastery should now affect wands as well
- Prismatic Bolt gains charge at half the previous rate
- Spider Mines should show debuff icons
- Spider Mine summon duration fixed
- Shadowling procs from wand chaos or weapon affixes properly last 20 seconds instead of 3
- Elemental Attunement shouldn’t attack smashables
- Tremor rank 6 should properly perform its charged effect
- Immobilization Copter damage effect shouldn’t stomp on other damage effects
- Berserker Retaliation can only trigger once per second per given target – and no longer procs/leeches
- Rapid Fire and Venomous Hail now use DPS instead of Damage
- Fixed some issues with Grom's arena in multiplayer when another player speaks to the NPC while the main area is completed
- Several boss rooms have had structural changes to make it more difficult to cheese them with certain skills
- Various minor level scripting or layout repairs
- Fixed farmable Gel phasebeast room so that XP gain isn't overblown
- Fixed various other farmable phasebeast unitspawners which incorrectly granted XP
- Fixed a few areas where the player could get stuck
- Fixed a case where backlog of messages for resend would escalate and disconnect the client
- Friends-only games are fixed to synch correctly across lobbies
- Fixes for various serverside issues
- Erroneous ‘Connection Failed’ messages should be fixed
- Games can now be filtered near your level
- Many wardrobe tweaks and fixes
- Various alterations were made to better support translated versions of the game, and to detect and deal with other language items during trading
参照元 †
Released September 23, 2012
This patch addresses a number of issues:
- Tweaks to various areas to prevent units from getting stuck.
- Fixed a potential crash bug when applying affixes and effects.
- Fix for Berserker geyser proc showing up as a mappable skill.
- Fixed several typos.
- Fixed friends list based achievements.
- Spell-learning achievements now don't incorrectly trigger based on other players.
- Fix a bug when recalculating the price on objects to make sure the calculation is based on the correct data.
- Fixes to some logic in the Frosted Hills.
- --フロステッドヒルズのいくつかのロジックをなおした。
- Fix for triggering Shocking Burst and Arc Beam out of range while hitting shift that could cause chain casting.
- --Shiftを押しながらのShocking Burstと範囲外からのArc Beamをなおした。
- Fix for potential issue when units would queue removed/unavailable skills.
- Fix for having more than 100% reduction to charge decay or a negative flat charge decay.
- Changed lootable rocks to be non-colliding as they could occasionally block very narrow corridors.
- --狭い通路を封鎖する場合があったので、ルート可能なrocksがキャラクターとぶつからないよう修正。
- Improvements to journal tooltips.
- Proc affixes scale better with player level.
- 'Resist Slow' affix fixed.
- Berserker 'Wolf Shade' now has the (intended) 60 second cooldown applied to all ranks.
- Berserkerの"Wolf Shade"は全てのランクで60秒のクールダウンがあります(意図的)。
- Fix for mistriggering when chaining two skills together when there is an early hit-frame.
- Safety check to stop any looping skills that get stuck in the 'on' state when the character is not performing a skill.
- Put in protection against character save file corruption. Corrupted characters will not appear in the list of characters.
- Removed display of other users' IP addresses in multiplayer games.
- Removed access to console commands in multiplayer games.
- Removed Steam Cloud toggle in the settings file (it didn't do anything); the ability to toggle is available in the Steam client.
- Fixed a bug that could cause multiple Tower of the Moon entrances to appear in the world.
- Implemented a few specific boss room pathing fixes.
- The game's login dialog now correctly allows passwords up to 64 characters long.
- Fixed bug with 'Poison Burst' procs.
- Fix for bug where rapid clicks could misspend stat points.
- Made significant optimizations to particle collisions.
- Fixed rare crash when turning in quest in the Undercurrents.
- Fixed problems with characters or shared shash items disappearing.
参照元 †
Released September 23, 2012
- Fixed a potential crash bug when applying affixes and effects in certain circumstances
- Fixed rare crash when turning in quest in the Undercurrents.
- Put in protection against character save file corruption. Corrupted characters will not appear in the list of characters. (And thus can't cause the game to crash on load)
- Fix for Berserker geyser proc showing up as a mappable skill.
- Fix for triggering Shocking Burst and Arc Beam out of range while hitting shift that could cause chain casting.
- 'Resist Slow' affix fixed.
- Proc affixes scale better with player level.
- Berserker 'Wolf Shade' now has the (intended) 60 second cooldown applied to all ranks.
- Fix for mistriggering when chaining two skills together when there is an early hit-frame.
- Safety check to stop any looping skills that get stuck in the 'on' state when the character is not performing a skill.
- Fixed bug with 'Poison Burst' procs (they should properly engage at more distant ranges).
- Fix for potential issue when units would queue removed/unavailable skills.
- Fix for having more than 100% reduction to charge decay or a negative flat charge decay.
- Made significant optimizations to particle collisions.
- Fix a bug when recalculating the price on objects to make sure the calculation is based on the correct data.
- Fix for bug where rapid clicks could misspend stat points.
- Removed access to console commands in multiplayer games.
- The game's login dialog now correctly allows passwords up to 64 characters long.
- Removed display of other users' IP addresses in multiplayer games.
- Removed Steam Cloud toggle in the settings file (it didn't do anything); the ability to toggle is available in the Steam client.
- Removed logging for achievements to potentially reduce some FPS drops for some users.
- Tweaks to various areas to prevent units from getting stuck.
- Changed lootable rocks to be non-colliding as they could occasionally block very narrow corridors.
- Fixes to some level scripting logic in the Frosted Hills.
- Fixed a bug that could cause multiple Tower of the Moon entrances to appear in the world.
- Implemented a few specific boss room pathing fixes.
- Fixed friends list based achievements.
- Spell-learning achievements now don't incorrectly trigger based on other players.
- Fixed several typos.
- Improvements to journal tooltips.
参照元 †
Released September 20, 2012
- 翻訳乙 --
- 初心者ですみませんがこれらのパッチは全部あてる必要がありますか?最新版だけでOKでしょうか? --
- 最新版を当てれば過去のものも当たるはず --
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